ROXIE Documentation
Here you can find a comprehensive list of courses, examples, and use cases that start with the basics of ROXIE and extend to advanced scenarios, offering resources to build a strong theoretical background and simulate practical scenarios with ROXIE:
New to ROXIE? Start with the Webinars
If you're stepping into the ROXIE world for the first time, we would suggest to start with the Webinars, recorded by Stephan Russenschuck and follow-along to get familiar with ROXIE GUI and widgets.
Build a strong theoretical background with the ROXIE Masterclass
The ROXIE Masterclass is offered to build a strong theoretical background for Normal Conducting and Superconducting Acclerator Magnets, while it is accompanied with ROXIE exercises. It covers all the required fundamentals of Electromagnetic Fields, Field Harmonics, Numerical Field Computation principles, Mathematical Optimization Techniques and further more.
Explore ROXIE features with the provided Use Cases
The Use Cases aim to demonstrate the majority of the ROXIE capabilities and features, and provide data files to explore them. They include a wide range of features like 2D and 3D design, Iron Yoke, Optmization, Calculations and Quench Analysis.