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ROXIE/BEM-FEM Transfer Files

The HMO-file

The .hmo-file contains mesh information. It is produced by either the HERMES 2-D parametric mesh generator or by the HyperMesh, 3-D mesh generator, using the edyson template file, edyson_tech_doc.

The .hmo-file consists of six blocks: The first block contains component information (material names, coils), the second block contains load collector data, the third block vector collector information, the fourth block specifies all nodes, the fifth one the elements, and the last one additional boundary conditions. With ROXIE we only make use of blocks one, four and five which we will describe in detail in the following tables. The .hmo-file is organized as follows:


The component data

The body of the component collector data block is structured as follows. One header record

Variable Type Description
NCOLL I8 Total number of components

A sequence of records with the component numbers and names

Variable Type Description
ICOLL I8 Number of the component
n/a String Component name

For numerical calculations the last component must have the name SuperCoils. It represents the coils modelled by line-currents.

The nodal data

The body of the component data block is structured as follows. One header record

Variable Type Description
NNT I8 Total number of nodes

A sequence of records with the component numbers and names

Variable Type Description
IN_HMO I8 Number of the node
XYZ(3) 1X,F12.8 Coordinates

For BEMFEM-calculations the node numbers have to be in ascending order. For EDYSON they are only required to be unique. The coordinates are given in mm. Axisymmetric problems are discretized in the xy-plane.

Element data

The body of the element data block is structured as follows. One header record

Type Description
I8 Total number of all elements in file
1X,I8 Total number of L2 elements
1X,I8 Total number of L3 elements
1X,I8 Total number of T3 elements
1X,I8 Total number of T6 elements
1X,I8 Total number of Q4 elements
1X,I8 Total number of Q8 elements
1X,I8 Total number of TH4 elements
1X,I8 Total number of TH10 elements
1X,I8 Total number of P6 elements
1X,I8 Total number of P15 elements
1X,I8 Total number of H8 elements
1X,I8 Total number of H20 elements

A sequence of records which describe theelements

Variable Type Description
IEL_HMO I8 Number of the element
ICOLL 1X,I4 Element component number
ICONF 1X,I3 Element config number
KNE(1) 1X,I8 Number of the first node
KNE(2) 1X,I8 Number of the second node
... ... ...

For BEMFEM-calculations the element numbers have to be in ascending order. For EDYSON they are only required to be unique. The element component number describes which material the element belongs to. The material names are given in the component data block. The element type number ICONF describes the element geometry as follows:

ICONF Type Description
60 L2 Line element with two nodes
63 L3 Line element with three nodes
103 T3 Triangular element with three nodes
106 T6 Triangular element with six nodes
104 Q4 Quadrilateral element with four nodes
108 Q8 Quadrilateral element with eight nodes
204 TH4 Tetrahedral element with four nodes
210 TH10 Tetrahedral element with ten nodes
206 P6 Pentahedral element with six nodes
215 P15 Pentahedral element with fifteen nodes
208 H8 Hexahedral element with eight nodes
220 H20 Hexahedral element with twenty nodes

With ROXIE we only use element types T6, Q8, P15 and H20. The element-wise node numbering of the respective types is depicted in Fig. 16.1.

Fig. 16.1: sFinite-element types used with ROXIE. Element-wise node numbering in the .hmo-file.

The COR file

The .cor-file specifies the nodal coordinates for BEMFEM. It is basically a reference for the renumbering of the .hmo-file nodes. The first line is a header info line (version number, etc.). Then follows the header data line:

Variable Type Description
NNT I8 Total number of nodes
NDLN I7 Number of degrees of freedom per node
NDIM I6 Dimension of the problem

Then comes a sequence of records of the form:

Variable Type Description
IN Integer Node number
XYZ(3) Double Nodal coordinates
BSECT Integer Boundary section (0:Interior FEM node, ><!-- -->0: BEM node on given boundary section)
IDOF Integer Number of degrees of freedom for current node

The last line is the closing line:

Variable Type Description
FILEEND Integer FILEEND=-1 denotes the end of the file

The following table summarizes the different coordinate systems for the respective problem types:

Geometry (x_1,x_2,x_3)
Plain 2-D (x,y,0)
Axisymmetric (r,0,z) (z,r,0)
3-D (x,y,z)

The ELE file

The .ele-file contains elemental data. It has one header line (version number, etc.) and one data header line:

Variable Type Description
IELEMS Integer Total number of elements including boundary elements
IMAXNOD Integer Maximum number of nodes per element

It follows a sequence of element records:

Variable Type Description
IEL Integer Element number
ITPE Integer Element type number
ICOLL Integer Collector- (component-) number to which the element belongs
INODS(21) Integer A sequence of node numbers from .cor-file for the current element terminated by 0

A file closing line

Variable Type Description
FILEEND Integer FILEEND = -1 denotes the end of the file

The BDR file

The boundary condition data is given in the .bdr-file. One file header info line (with version number, etc.) is followed by a sequence of records of the form

Variable Type Description
INOD Integer Node number (.cor-file) at which a boundary condition (BC) is specified
IDOFTYP(10)) 0X,I1 Sequence of 10 flags each of which specifies a type of BC for each degree of freedom in the node;
flag 0 means: no BC specified
1: homogeneous Dirichlet-condition
2: inhomogeneous Dirichlt-condition
4: pseudo-BEM-nodes for subsequent field calculation
5: inhomogeneity BEM-node
8: positive periodic condition
9: negative periodic condition
VCOND(10) 1X,12.5 Sequence of BC vallues for each degree of freedom

A file closing line

Variable Type Description
FILEEND Integer FILEEND = -1 denotes the end of the file

ROXIE uses only the BC flag 1 for homogeneous Dirichlet-conditions.

The SOL file

The .sol-file contains the computed results of BEMFEM. It has one file header info line and a sequence of time steps. For ROXIE there is only one time step available. Each time step is composed of a header line:

Variable Type Description
ITYP Integer ITYP = -1 marks the header line of a time step
IPAS Integer Number of the present time step
TIME Double Absolute time of the present time step

Then comes a sequence of subblocks containing problem dependent results; each subblock consists of a block header:

Variable Type Description
ITYP Integer ITYP = -11 marks the block header line of the potential data block
NCOL Integer Maximum number of data columns (coordinates and/or reults)
NROW Integer Number of rows for the present block (0=not available)

The header is followed by a sequence of records:

Variable Type Description
IN Integer Node number
XYZ(3) Double Nodal Coordinates
V(NCOL-3) Double Results (vector and/or scalar potential)

The block is closed by a line

Variable Type Description
BLOCKEND Integer BLOCKEND = -99 marks the block closing line.

And the time step is closed by

Variable Type Description
TIMESTEPEND Integer TIMESTEPEND = -9 marks the end of the current time step.

The SRC file

BEM-FEM coupled problems can be driven by a source potential (φ_mathrm{S}, mathbf{A}_mathrm{S}) due to impressed charges or currents in the BEM domain. This potential should be given at the locations of the boundary nodes in the following structure. The first line yields

Variable Type Description
BNODES I5 Number of nodes belonging to the boundary

Then follows a sequence of records with node numbers, nodal coordinates and prescribed potential values.

Variable Type Description
IN I5 .cor-file node number
XYZ(3) 1X,E18.11 Coordinates
POT(3) 1X,E18.11 prescribed source potential, see below

The node numbers must be in ascending orders and the number of records must be equal BNODES. The degrees of freedom of the impressed source potential depend on the problem type as follows:

Problem Type DOF1 DOF2 DOF3
2-D A_z
2-D Axi-symm. rA_φ
3-D vector Pot. A_x A_y A_z
3-D scalar Pot. φ

The EVAL.LOC file

The BEM-FEM coupling allows the evaluation of the reduced potentials and fields at arbitrary points in the BEM domain once the problem has been solved. Such additional evaluation points are given in the eval.loc-file with the following structure. The header record yields

Variable Type Description
NKSI I5 Number of additional evaluation points
HFD 1X,E12.5 Parameter h for finite differences

The header is followed by a sequence of records with the coordinates of the evaluation points:

Variable Type Description
I I5 Number of evaluation point
V(3) 1X,E18.11 Coordinates


On exit of a BEMFEM run an output file is written that yields the potential in the additional evaluation points specified in the eval.loc-file. The header record reads:

Variable Type Description
NKSI I5 Number of additional evaluation points

Then follows a sequence of records with the results:

Variable Type Description
I I6 Number of the evaluation point
V(9) 1X,E18.11 Coordinates and result DOF, see below

The degrees of freedom that appear depend on the problem type:

Problem type DOF1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Magnetic mathbf{A}
x y A_z B_x B_y & &
Axi z r rA_φ B_z B_r & &
3-D x y z A_x A_y A_z B_x B_y
Magnetic φ
x y z φ B_x B_y B_z &

The mathbf{B} field is computed from the potentials by means of finite differences with the parameter HFD.


Some results from a computation for postprocessing are written to a textfile. In 2-D, this is the plotbf.out-file. It starts with a header record

Variable Type Description
NELT Integer Number of finite elements

Then come the finite-element headers, each one followed by a sequence of nodal records. The element header has

Variable Type Description
IEL I5 Number of the element as specified in the .ele-file
INEL I5 Number of nodes in the element
IGPE I5 Properties group number as specified in the .ele-file
MUR 1X,E12.5 Average relative permeability of the element

The nodal records of each element read

Variable Type Description
KNOD I5 Internal number of the considered node (not related to .cor-file)
XY(2) 1X,E12.5 x-, y-coordinate
BXY(2) 1X,E12.5 B_x-, B_y-component
AZ 1X,E12.5 A_z-component

The results are total fields (sum of reduced- and source fields). For Q8 quadrilateral elements a 9th line is added with empty KNOD entry. This record contains the field and potential values in the center of the element.

The PLOTBF3-D.OUT file

The postprocessing file for 3-D calculations is somewhat differently structured than the plotbf.out-file. There is one header record

Variable Type Description
RELT Integer Number of boundary elements

A sequence of records for each boundary element, each one followed by a sequence of nodal records.

Variable Type Description
IEL I5 Consecutive number of the boundary element
INEL I5 Number of nodes in the element

The nodal records read

Variable Type Description
KNOD I5 Internal number of the considered node (not related to .cor-file)
XYZ(3) 1X,E12.5 x-, y-, z-coordinate
A(3) 1X,E12.5 A_x-, A_y-, A_z-component
B(3) 1X,E12.5 B_x-, B_y-, B_z-component

Additional files

The following files are not further detailed in this manual:

File Description
.DAPA Magnetization curves for BEMFEM
.dyn Contains integral and mechanical result quantities for each time step
.ght Binary file which contains the BEM matrices of a previous run
.inp BEMFEM input file
.out Collects messages from a BEMFEM run