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Nr 7: Rectangular coil blocks, optimization


Relative positioning of coil blocks, aligned in a Cartesian grid. Useful for optimization of window-frame geometries, racetrack coils.


  • Block Data 2D: Two blocks of conductors are placed in a Cartesian grid (Type = "Rect").
  • Transformations: Block number two is moved to a position relative to block number one. The vertex one of block two is connected to vertex 3 of block 1. The vertex numbering of blocks is the same as the vertex numbering of conductors, i.e. starting with 1 at the upper left corner, numbering counter-clockwise. Consequently the block number two is positioned to the upper right of block number one, touching in one corner. We select "2 - Parent and offspring" in the act column. This means that we apply the transformation to the block specified in the Block Data 2D widget, and that the transformation is then taken into accound for all blocks that are generated by the Dipole macro in the Block Groups widget.
  • Design Variables: Block number two is moved (away from block number one) in x- and y-direction. We mus select the shifts from the "2D shift (after transformation widget)". Otherwise the connection in the transformation widget would eraze all previous shifts. The x- and y-shifts can now be used to optimize the cross-section.


  • roxie.bhdata
  • roxie.cadata