Nr 13: Iron 2D using BEMFEM
Demonstrate options for the calculation and visualization of field including iron
Iron yoke. Vector pot. BEMFEM option and mesh generation should be selected. For non-transients BEMFEM calculations in 2-D, the Post-proc only option only can be used to change the post-processing parameters which do not require recalculation of the problem. Noticed that the evaluated field points must not be modified. The file bhdata contains the information on the iron magnetization curves. The geometry of the iron mesh is defined in the *.iron file. The symmetry conditions for the iron domain should be appropriately set in the symmetry condition widget.
Plotting 2D. Different information is available to be plotted in the FEM domain: mesh, reduced vector potential, reduced magnetic field, total magnetic field, relative magnetic permeability... The options LIMAGX and LIMAGY image the iron in the x and y axis.
- Dipole_Iron.iron
- roxie.bhdata
- roxie.cadata