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Use of ROXIE for CERN users

Setup of computing account

To access LXPLUS, the home directory (AFS) and shared cernbox directory (EOS/CERNBOX), the following services need to be subscribed to on the CERN Account Service page:


Access Roxie from CERN

ROXIE access at CERN is handled via e-groups. Please contact the roxie-support to be added. Binaries at CERN are available in EOS (/eos/project/r/roxie/distribution), and can be directly sourced from there. The below command will source the ROXIE 23 (25.1.0.b1) version. Please check the releases for more recent updates.

user@lxplus:~$ source /eos/project/r/roxie/distribution/roxie_25.1.0.b1/alma8/roxie_env

Then roxie is ready to be launched by typing Xroxie in the terminal.

At CERN we provide roxie executables on the EOS file system, which can be sourced directly from the terminal. For a real local installation, the executables can be found in the Download section. Alternatively, roxie can be run locally as a Docker container.

In case you want to install ROXIE on a local computer, please follow instructions for installing outside of CERN infrastructure.

ROXIE on lxplus, virtual machine, or private linux machine inside CERN

From your local computer, you first need to connect to a linux machine. The Environment Sections for Windows, MacOS, Linux or as a Docker container provide more information on how to install the necessary tools.

CERN provides general purpose terminal machines via the Lxplus service, which can run interactive roxie simulations without issues. Lxplus comes in different linux versions, for now ROXIE supports lxplus8.

For longer simulations Lxplus might automatically close the virtual machine, so those should be run on a dedicated ROXIE machine. We provide three virtual machines, roxievm1, roxievm2, roxievm3 which can be used for such cases. In addition there is a development server for more demanding simulations. You can ask roxie-support for access to this machine.

To start running roxie, you just need to connect to the server:

ssh -Y

From the server, source the roxie environment:

source /eos/project/r/roxie/distribution/roxie_25.1.0.b1/alma8/roxie_env # For running Roxie23

Or, for running ROXIE10

source /eos/project/r/roxie/distribution/roxie10.3.1_180322/roxie_env # For running roxie10

Afterwards, typing Xroxie in the terminal will launch the program.

Special case for roxievm1, roxievm2, roxievm3

The three roxie virtual machines automatically source roxie from the envirnoment, so the source command can be skipped. To specify which version should be loaded, create a file with the version number in your local directory:

echo "25.1.0.b1" > ~/.roxie_version

Private install (Virtual machine, local computer)

To install roxie locally, follow the instructions for External installations.

Docker container

To run roxie on any computer, locally, a docker container with roxie installed can be used. The image is hosted at CERN gitlab, so a prior login and access is required. A detailed setup description is listed in Docker Setup